Dear Parents,
As you know, Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for Thursday, October 21and Friday, October 22. As I mentioned at Back to School night, I will be in New York with my mom and brother during that time.
I know that this is a great inconvenience for you to have to schedule your conferences on another day especially for those with siblings. I do appreciate you working with me to meet at another time. I will do a few conferences prior to my trip, on Monday, Oct 18 and Tuesday, Oct 19. The remaining conferences will be scheduled the following week. For those of you that I will meet with on Oct. 18 and 19, I will print off a hard copy of the report card and send it home with your child the day before your conference so you will have an opportunity to look over it and jot down any questions you would like to ask. Attached are the dates and times that I am available. I will try to match you up with your first choice.
***PLEASE email me your first and second choice. Once I have it all figured out, I will email you our conference time. I do apologize about this conflict and hope that we will be able to schedule a time that will work for all of us.
Thank you! Ms. Hengen